
Peak book cover

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Roland Smith comes to schools

Hey, did you know that Roland Smith comes to schools and skypes classrooms? He probably comes to talk about being an author but the website doesn't say much. Maybe we could talk Mrs. Johnson into getting him to come next year.

Roland Smith

Roland Smith has written tons of other books. Ever heard of Elephant Run? Storm Runners? Roland Smith has a lot of books published. Go on his website to find out more. Again its

Favorite part(s) of the book, least favorite part(s) of the book.

My favorite part of Peak was when Peak let Sun-jo get to the top and not him. I thought this was very kind and I commend him for it (haha look at that amazing vocab). My least favorite part is when Peak let Sun-jo get to the top and not him. That was so STUPID!!!! it makes me angry that he didn't take two steps and make it to the top of the world. Also, I know I said that this was my least favorite part before but I never said what my favorite was and I never asked what you readers favorite parts are. Please post comments.

Peaks Everest route

Ok Park said that Peak climbed the north side but he's WRONG. He clearly climbed the south side. First he went to base camp then ABC, then base camp, then ABC, then base camp, then ABC, then base camp, then a secret unmarked camp away from the other camps to stay away from the Chineese soldiers. Then camp five, than six (i think) then the summit, and finally back down.

Movie? Sequel?

Just to let you know I'm not copying off of anyones blog. There isn't much to write about ok?
In my opinion Peak should not have a sequel. It is just too cool for one and anyway sequels aren't always as good as the original. But I do think that Peak should be made into a movie. It is very inspiring, it has a good storyline, and overall it seems like it could be a movie. Some books just don't seem like they could be movies. Examples, Comments? Please comment.

Why I like Sun-jo

Just to let all of you know I am not doing six posts on the day before it is due. Just saying. Im not. Ok.
Anyway, I said Sun-jo was my favorite character in a past post. I think he is just plain cool and he is also very kind to Peak. I don't think Peak likes that Sun-jo is nice to him but Sun-jo is nice anyway. Why do you like Sun-jo? Please comment.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Favorite characters.

Who is your favorite character in Peak? Why? No you can't say Peak. ( I know I have a poll for this question but this is for WHY) Brett